36 & 37 Before the Flood processing & notes
38 & 39 Evolution & Ecology Guided Notes Processing and Notes Page 1 (#1-10)
40 & 41 Unit 4 Learning Objectives AND Range of Tolerance Processing and Graphing activity
42 & 43 Evolution & Ecology Guided Notes Processing and Notes Page 2 (#11-18)
44 & 45 Evolution & Ecology Guided Notes Processing and Notes Page 3 (#19-32)
46 & 47 Evolution & Ecology Guided Notes Processing and Notes Page 4 (#33-39)
48 & 49 Reindeer of St Matthew Island Processing and Worksheet
50 Extra Credit: Strange Days on Planet Earth: Invaders guided notes (completed up to point class stopped)
51 Unit Study Guide (optional)
46 & 47 Evolution & Ecology Guided Notes Processing and Notes Page 4 (#33-39)
48 & 49 Reindeer of St Matthew Island Processing and Worksheet
50 Extra Credit: Strange Days on Planet Earth: Invaders guided notes (completed up to point class stopped)
51 Unit Study Guide (optional)
Each page of guided notes given in class is getting its own page of the notebook, and thus one page for color processing. If you have given more pages than this because the notes went across more than one day, that is OK. Just be clear in your labeling, please.
Let me know if you see something I've missed! Thanks!