Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Environmental Science Day 2: Finish Rules & Expectations, Group Poster Activity

Grab your name tag on the way in, please!

Roses & Thorns with your Four Corners partner from last class


-Did you remember to get a notebook? Contract? 


-Business items: Class Meetings 2nd and 3rd periods

Handbook review 9/1
Period 1 - Sign Hollyhock Assent Form

-Finish reviewing Classroom Expectations & Rules Handout together

Look at FHS STRONG Poster together

I want you to have a say in what our expectations LOOK LIKE:

1. In table groups, assign a Materials Manager, a Recorder, a Time Keeper, and a Task Manager.

2. Materials manager: please take one white board and a 

marker back to your table group

3. Write down ideas of what your group thinks each expectation looks like in the classroom. What are you as students doing to

show respectresponsibilityengagement? For example: our group feels that listening and not talking during instruction is an example of respect. 

Time Keeper: give your group 5 minutes per Expectation.

4. I will ask each group for their best example of each expectation & I'll put them on a class poster. If another group already said your example choose another idea from your group.

Bring contract & notebook for next class!

Monday, August 29, 2016

First Day of Environmental Science 2016/2017!

 Image result for first day of school meme


-Have a seat where you'd like for today (seating chart later)

-Who Are YOU? :) Four Corners Name Tent Activity

1.Fold paper short end to short end, then unfold. Fold ends back in to meet the crease.

2. Unfold all the way flat
3. Write your preferred name on inner two rectangles BIG
    (both sides of tent, facing the correct direction); decorate!
4. On one side only: 
Upper left corner - Your current favorite band
Upper right corner - Someone who has inspired you & why
Bottom left corner - Something fun you did over the summer
Bottom right corner - How you're feeling at the moment
5. Pair up with someone you've never met and take turns introducing yourself using your name tent, telling them your four corner answers
6. Once you've shared with your partner, we'll go around the room and you'll be responsible for introducing your partner to the class, sharing their name and one of their corner answers.

Nature Break: walk outside!

-Review Classroom Expectations & Rules Handout together

-First assignment: bring back the Class Contract signed by you and your parent/guardian for 10 points

I want you to have a say in what our expectations LOOK LIKE:

-In table groups, assign a: 

*Materials manager
*Time keeper
*Task manager.

Materials manager: please take one white board and a marker back to your table group

Write down ideas of what your group thinks each expectation looks like in the classroom. What are students doing to show respect, responsibility, engagement?

I need a volunteer to write on our class poster! 

I will ask each group for their best example of each expectation & we'll put them on our class poster


-Bring back the Class Contract signed by you and your parent/guardian for 10 points

-Please bring in a spiral notebook as soon as possible! They're less than a dollar at WalMart right now.

-I'm so happy you're in my class and I look forward to the year ahead with you! :)