Monday, January 29, 2018

Wrap up S1; Semester 1 Reflection Writing; Begin 'American Eagle' Documentary and worksheet (link here)

New seating chart coming soon once student schedules settle. For now we'll keep the seating chart the same.

Hand back Semester 1 work

Review final exam

Notebook - new page

Semester 1 Environmental Science Reflection
"We do not learn from experience, we learn from reflecting on experience." -John Dewey

metacognition - awareness and understanding about one's own thought processes; learning about your learning

experiential learning: how we learn naturally through reflection (4 min video)


1. Something I did well in quarter 2 was...

2. Something I can improve in quarter 3 is...

3. When something got difficult, what did you do to help yourself?

10 minute quiet reflection writing

Welcome to Semester 2!
You're half way done with this school year -

good job, you made it!

A fresh start...

Important reminders
-Class Agreements (read from poster)
-cell phone policy
-be your own advocate
-come to tutorial
-use the blog 
-come to class
-do your notebook

Up next...

New right hand page

Heading: American Eagle Nature Documentary

Learning Objective: I can learn about the natural history of the bald eagle and how their population has changed over time.

Watch documentary - 55 minutes (HERE)

Answer questions on WORKSHEET as you watch

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Kahoot & Semester 1 Final Exam Day!


-Test taking expectations:
*Clear desks of everything except a writing utensil and your notebook. 
*Try your best, take your time, & stay focused.
*No talking while tests are out (everyone deserves a quiet testing environment).

*No breaks out of the room once you have started your test.
*No personal electronic devices while testing.
*When finished, bring your test to the front and then read, do work, or listen to music quietly.

Image result for good luck

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Finals study day

Graded notebooks are up front

All grades in Synergy are current

Study day to finish the Study Guide

Reminder: check finals bell schedule

No study guide on final but notebooks - yes!

A Kahoot game is in the works for you

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Grade check-in; retakes, etc.; Study Guide for final

Your graded notebooks are at the front counter for you :)

Let's go for a walk!

Nice job on the Climate Change test! 

Check Synergy!
What's your grade?
Are you missing any work?
What is your plan to make up missing work? This is your first priority right now in this class!

Today & next period we will study for our final exam

IF you aren't missing any work, then you will pick up the Envi Sci Semester 1 Final Study Guide (HERE) from the front desk and work on it. 

Important: Due to cheating on the Climate Change test, you may NOT use the study guide on the final exam. You may still use notebooks. 

Next class I will have a Kahoot game ready for you

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Climate Change Unit Test & Notebooks due

-Test taking expectations:
*Clear desks of everything except a writing utensil and your notebook. 
*Try your best, take your time, & stay focused.
*No talking while tests are out (everyone deserves a quiet testing environment).

*No breaks out of the room once you have started your test.
*No personal electronic devices while testing.
*When finished, bring your test and notebook to the front and then read, do work, or listen to music quietly.

Image result for good luck

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Kahoot!; Climate Change Study Guide

In the news: Oregon sues Monsanto

Something positive in environmental news: Solutions

Return paperwork

Play Kahoot! Game HERE

Do Climate Change Study Guide

Work on notebooks when finished with study guide

Unit Test next class for 50 points, last notebook check this semester! 50 points



-Order of work in notebook for Unit 2:

1.Q1 reflection/Prince Ea video/OPB story notes
2.Climate Change vocabulary terms
3.Bill Nye video guided notes
4.Climate Change article jigsaw activity
5.Climate change notes from PowerPoint
6.Warm Up
7.NASA website guided notes worksheet
8.An Inconvenient Truth questions
9.Tragedy of the Commons Procedure & Data Sheet
10.Tragedy of the Commons Discussion Questions

Tragedy of the Commons Day 3: Analysis - reading and guided notes

'Tragedy of the Commons' DAY 3

→Introduction (WORKSHEET HERE) ✓ 
Background & learning objectives for lab 
-2 games, 5 years/rounds per game
-Write down your data on the table provided
-Take turns being 'first fisherman'
-Record data on DATA TABLES for each year & game
-Do left side color processing 

TED Ed Video: What is the Tragedy of the Commons?


-Answer DISCUSSION QUESTIONS based on results
-Discussion questions due at the beginning of (next class) for 10 points. Must be complete sentences and answer the question accurately and completely for full credit. You may work with lab partners but answers should be in your own words.

-Class wrap-up and debrief of activity; observed trends that provide insight to other environmental problems and possible solutions

Read 'The Tragedy of the Commons' section only of 'The Environment and Society' reading

Answer guided notes questions to the 'Tragedy of the Commons' section only

Friday, January 5, 2018

Tragedy of the Commons Day 2: Discussion Questions

(Friday 1/5 SUB)
1. Show TED Ed Video (link below, 5 mins)
2. Give students 'Tragedy of the Commons Discussion Questions.' They should work on it with their lab groups, but answer in their own words. Use complete sentences!
Students absent last class should form a group and do the lab together with the help of TA or a student who was present last class to complete the data table worksheet.
3. Turn in Discussion Questions for 10 points today when finished for full credit.
4. Organize notebook and do color processing. 
5. Reminder: Climate Change Unit Test & notebooks due next Thursday/Friday!!

'Tragedy of the Commons' Lab  DAY 2

TED Ed Video: What is the Tragedy of the Commons?


-Answer DISCUSSION QUESTIONS based on results
-Discussion questions due today for 10 points. Must be complete sentences and answer the question accurately and completely for full credit. You may work with lab partners but answers should be in your own words.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Schedule reminders; Tragedy of the Commons Day 1

What's the plan for the rest of the semester?
-Begin Tragedy of the Commons Lab today & next class period(s) 
-Study for Climate Change test
-Climate Change test & notebooks due 11th/12th
-Study for final
-Finals week of Jan 22nd

We've been talking about the science of climate change: causes, effects, and solutions. But how are YOU affected by climate change? If our atmosphere is a commons, what role do I play in the degradation of the commons? My country?State? City? Community? School?

Begin 'Tragedy of the Commons' Lab 
→Introduction (WORKSHEET HERE) ✓ 
Background & learning objectives for lab 
-2 games, 5 years/rounds per game
-Write down your data on the table provided
-Take turns being 'first fisherman'
-Record data on DATA TABLES for each year & game
-Do left side color processing 

TED Ed Video: What is the Tragedy of the Commons?

-Answer DISCUSSION QUESTIONS based on results
-Class wrap-up and debrief of activity; observed trends that provide insight to other environmental problems and possible solutions

-Discussion questions due at the beginning of (next class) for 10 points. Must be complete sentences and answer the question accurately and completely for full credit. You may work with lab partners but answers should be in your own words.

regroup/check in

Welcome back! I hope you had a wonderful break. Let's ease back in...

Roses & Thorns 

Calendar check in

-Tutorial invite list: are you on it? 

Get out notebooks, please

-What was your carbon footprint? How can you make it smaller? 

-Individual check ins with Ms. Ferro

-Order of work in notebook for Unit 2:

Q1 reflection/Prince Ea video/OPB story notes
Climate Change vocabulary terms
Bill Nye video guided notes
Climate Change article jigsaw activity
Climate change notes from PowerPoint
Warm Up
NASA website guided notes worksheet
An Inconvenient Truth questions