Monday, November 7, 2016

New seating chart; Four Corners; Quarter 1 Reflection writing; Begin Unit 3 & Tragedy of the Commons Lab

MONDAY 11/7/16 BY 3:15!

Hand back tests & review

New quarter, new seating chart! Randomized chart on Synergy. 

Do a new Four Corners with your name tag

Upper Left:                       Upper Right:

Current fave TV show     Something you're looking forward to                                                          
Bottom Left:                             Bottom Right: 
    Favorite holiday food        Someone who helped you in Q1 

Introduce new partner and something about them from their Four Corners

Open notebooks to next open left-hand page

Heading: Quarter 1 Reflection 11/7/16   

Write out the whole question and answer.

1. Two things that I think I did really well in quarter one are ________________ and _______________. 

2. Two things that I know I can improve on in quarter two are _______________ and ________________.

3. An action step for the first improvement is _________.

An action step for the second improvement is ________.

4. A support person I can depend on to help me make these improvements is _____________.

5. Something that my support person can do to help me be more successful in quarter 2 is ___________.  

Begin Unit 3: Environmental Ethics & Economics   
Learning Objective: I can evaluate the costs and benefits associated with choices that affect the environment.

Begin Tragedy of the Commons Lab

Quick Intro video to concept


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