Friday, September 1, 2017

2017-18 Day 2; Class Agreements Poster

Grab your name tag on the way in, please!

'Roses & Thorns' with your Four Corners partner from last class

Scedule check in: next Tues/Wed

Look at FHS STRONG Poster together

I want you to have a say in what our agreements LOOK LIKE:

1. In table groups, assign a Materials Manager, a Recorder, a Time Keeper, and a Task Manager.

2. Materials manager: please take one white 

board and a marker back to your table group

3. Write down ideas of what your group thinks each agreement looks like in the classroom. What are you as students doing to

show that you are being thoughtful, respectful, organized, neighborly, & generous? For example: our group feels that listening and not talking during instruction is an example of respect. 

Time Keeper: give your group 5 minutes per Agreement.

4. I will ask each group for their best example of each agreement & I'll put them on a class poster. If another group already used your example choose another idea from your group.

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