Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Rachel Carson Documentary & Silent Spring; Got/Need Exit Ticket

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Heading: Rachel Carson & Silent Spring
Learning Objective: I can learn about Rachel Carson and her impact on the modern environmental movement.

What do you feel so strongly about that you would want to fully dedicate yourself to it, producing a groundbreaking work of literature, film, music or other media, even if this risked your professional reputation and how others thought of you?

Rachel Carson was a biologist in the 1950s-60s who was compelled to share her deep concern about pesticides, even at the risk of her professional reputation. This video will introduce you to Rachel Carson, her concern, her actions, and the impact on her life and broader society.

Vocabulary terms:
DDT - a pesticide banned in 1972 that accumulates and persists in ecosystems and has toxic effects on organisms
Rachel Carson - a writer and biologist known for exposing the effects of  pesticides in America in a book called Silent Spring
Silent Spring - A book by Rachel Carson published in 1962 outlining the effects of DDT on American society; often claimed to be the kick-off for the environmental movement. 
pesticide - chemical agent used to remove pests
synthetic - something artificially crafted
malaria - a harmful disease carried by mosquitos
insoluble - incapable of being dissolved in water
fat solubility - dissolvable in fat
biomagnification - the process whereby certain substances become concentrated in tissues or internal organs as they move up the chain

Video: Rachel Carson

Exit Ticket: Write down one 'GOT' (something you learned) and one 'NEED' (something you wonder about or want to know) on a sticky note to put on the class poster on your way out today

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