Friday, March 17, 2017

March 13-17: Ocean layers & Circulation, Prezi link

March 13&14

Thermohaline circulation
     - Density demonstration (turned in)
     - Ocean currents handout

March 15&16
     - Study guide
     - Test notecard

p. 1: Divider for Semester #2, be sure you put your last name and period, please!  Thanks! (Feb. 6 & 7)
p. 2 & 3: warm-up & color processing & Eyewitness: Oceans Video handout (half sheet) (Feb. 8 & 9)
p. 4 & 5: Processing:  "Letter to myself about final exams notes and processing. Storyboard of a Current Event.(Feb. 10 & 13)
p. 6 & 7: processing and notes: Convection Cell lab;  INCLUDE: After lab questions
p. 8 & 9: warm-up & color processing; notes about Density & Heat (Feb. 21 & 22)
p. 10 & 11: 3 things you knew + 3 things you learned & color processing; Bill Nye Earth's Crust (Feb. 21 & 22)
p. 12 & 13: Drain the Ocean processing and video notes (Feb. 23 & 24)
p. 14 & 15: processing; Ring of Fire & Cookie Tectonics handout (March 3 & 6)
p. 16 & 17: processing; Convection Cell review (March 7 & 8)
p. 18 & 19: processing; three layer ocean handout (March 9 & 10)
p. 20 & 21: processing; thermo 
     - Density demonstration (turned in)
     - Ocean currents handout
OPTIONAL: study guide
Remember, our prezi is available and includes all the warm-ups and announcements!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

March 2-6: Quiz; Ring of Fire & Plate Tectonics

p. 1: Divider for Semester #2, be sure you put your last name and period, please!  Thanks! (Feb. 6 & 7)
p. 2 & 3: warm-up & color processing & Eyewitness: Oceans Video handout (half sheet) (Feb. 8 & 9)
p. 4 & 5: Processing:  "Letter to myself about final exams notes and processing. Storyboard of a Current Event.(Feb. 10 & 13)
p. 6 & 7: processing and notes: Convection Cell lab;  INCLUDE: After lab questions
p. 8 & 9: warm-up & color processing; notes about Density & Heat (Feb. 21 & 22)
p. 10 & 11: 3 things you knew + 3 things you learned & color processing; Bill Nye Earth's Crust (Feb. 21 & 22)
p. 12 & 13: Drain the Ocean processing and video notes (Feb. 23 & 24)
p. 14 & 15: processing; Ring of Fire & Cookie Tectonics handout (March 3 & 6)
p. 16 & 17: processing; Convection Cell review (March 7 & 8)
Remember, our prezi is available and includes all the warm-ups and announcements!