Friday, December 15, 2017

Finish An Inconvenient Truth worksheet

-TIME article: Climate Talks

-Finish 'An Inconvenient Truth' documentary and questions; review worksheet; glue into notebooks and get a checkmark, do color processing

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Inconvenient Truth Day 2

Continue documentary...

Heading: An Inconvenient Truth
Learning Objective: I can watch the documentary 'An Inconvenient Truth' and answer questions as I watch to learn about climate change's causes and effects.

Answer questions on the movie worksheet (HERE) as you watch. These will be glued into your notebooks. Record times where each period stopped. 

Monday, December 11, 2017

Midterm Progress Reports are finalized today at 4pm! List of names with C or lower...tutorial invites!

Tutorial Invitations for the week of 12/11/17
Period 1
Melissa Jandi Wendi Jimmie Stevie Erandy David Jessy Timothy
Period 4
Thomas Jacob Reyanna Abdi Savanna Qishan
Htoo Dania Daniela
Period 5
Cahlil Brady Justin Katia Isaiah Janeth
Period 6
L Anthony Josh Julio Michele David Luz Isaiah
Period 7 
Mohammed Jay Ivan Esme Oscar Jayden Jasmine

Review NASA worksheet; play Kahoot!; Climate Change Quiz; start An Inconvenient Truth

Roses & Thorns?
Rose: it's beautiful and sunny outside!
Thorn: Ms. Ferro is sick (again!) 
Another thorn: on Thursday someone from 4th period stole rocks that I had at the back of the room by the stereoscopes. :( Please return them!!

-Tutorial Wednesday & Thursday this week
-Midterm progress reports go out Tuesday 12/12 (email me assignments if you're trying to raise your grade for the progress report)

Today's Agenda: 
1. Review NASA worksheet ~10 mins
2. Play Kahoot! ~20 mins
3. 10 point climate change quiz ~15 mins
4. Begin documentary 'An Inconvenient Truth'

Notebooks out please...

1. Turn to this page from last class: 
Heading: The Science of Climate Change
Learning Objective: I can explore various resources to examine the causes, effects, and evidence of climate change.

Last time you explored the NASA: Global Climate Change website and completed the guided worksheet (HERE)

Go around the room and have students share out answers to the worksheet, making corrections as needed. The worksheet should get glued into notebooks and do color processing on the left hand side.  ~ 10 minutes

2. Play Kahoot! to practice for quiz today.
Game link HEREUse personal electronics, sub/TA will facilitate game. ~20 minutes

3. Take your Climate Change Quiz
10 points, 5 questions, multiple choice
You can use notebooks if you want to, but I doubt you'll need it! (try it without first?)
No electronics! Quiet while quizzes are out
There is an 'A' and a 'B' version that will be alternated so that the people next to you have different versions. When you're done bring it up front and find something quiet to do. ~15 mins

4. Turn to a new right hand page in your notebook.
Heading: An Inconvenient Truth
Learning Objective: I can watch the documentary 'An Inconvenient Truth' and answer questions as I watch to learn about climate change's causes and effects.
Answer questions on the  Movie worksheet (HERE) as you watch. These will be glued into your notebooks. Record times where each period stopped. 

Thursday, December 7, 2017

NASA Website Exploration with guided worksheet; find your carbon footprint

New York Times articles: 

U.S. Report Says Humans Cause Climate Change, Contradicting Top Trump Officials

Trump Slashes Size of Bears Ears and Grand Staircase Monuments

Heading: The Science of Climate Change

Learning Objective: I can explore various resources to examine the causes, effects, and evidence of climate change.

Visit the NASA: Global Climate Change website
and complete the guided worksheet (HERE)

Find out more about ice cores

Carbon Footprint Calculator 
What's your carbon footprint?

When you get your number go HERE to enter your data. Click on your period's sheet.

Do color processing with any remaining time.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Warm up; The Science of Climate Change resource exploration/notes

Return paperwork while you work on today's warm up...

WARM UP (new right hand page)   
Write down the question and the answer in your notebook.
1. Greenhouse gases are essential to life on earth because...
2. Four greenhouse gases in the earth's atmosphere are...
3. The earth's greenhouse gas content is being altered by ______, and the result is _______.
4. Four pieces of evidence of climate change are...
5. Carbon dioxide in the earth's atmosphere has risen by about ___% since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution (~1760-1840).
6. The biggest contributor to global warming is the increase in greenhouse gases that occurs from the burning of ____ _____ for electricity, heat, and transportation.

Review warm up answers

Early Dismissal at 1:15pm Tuesday, Dec. 5th
Tutorial this week on Thursday and Friday (invites on the blog!)

Heading: The Science of Climate Change

Learning Objective: I can explore various resources to examine the causes, effects, and evidence of climate change.

NASA: Global Climate Change website
What are the current vital signs of our planet?
Evidence    Scientific Consensus
Causes       Vital Signs
Effects          FAQ's

Cause: Greenhouse Gases (GHG) Emissions (and Carbon Footprint calculator!)
What's your carbon footprint?


New York Times article: 

U.S. Report Says Humans Cause Climate Change, Contradicting Top Trump Officials

Monday, December 4, 2017

Tutorial Invites for the week of 12/4/17!

Period 1
Melissa   Jandi   Wendi   James   Stevie   Erandy
David   Jessy   Timothy   
Period 4
Thomas   Savanna   Abdi   Quishan 
Dania   Daniela   Htoo   Jacob   Reyanna
Period 5
Cahlil   Isaiah   Kat   Janeth   Bradley   Justin
Period 6
Austin   L   Anthony   Josh   Julio   Michel
Kevin H   David   Isaiah
Period 7
Mohammed   Jay   Ivan   Oscar   Esme   
Jayden   Jasmine

Friday, December 1, 2017

Climate Change Notes

Heading: Climate Change Notes

Learning Objective: I can learn about the science of climate change including causes, effects, and evidence.

Presentation HERE

Do left side color processing