Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Finish Temperature & DO; TOC Check; Salmon Unit Study Guide

Field trip Thursday! Bus leaves at 8am and returns by 1:30pm: bring rain gear, warm clothes, food, water!

Tutorial schedule Wednesday/Thursday

Finish reviewing answers to Graph Interpretation questions: (turn to p.16 in notebook)

GRAPH 1 - Temperature
1. Title of graph:
2. Range of values on horizontal scale:
3. Focal salmon type:
4. Optimal temperature range for spawning salmon:
5. Temperature when adult salmon begin to be stressed:
6. Optimal temperature range for macroinvertebrates:
7. Ideal water temperature range for all salmon stages and macroinvertebrates:
8. What factors do you think affect the temperature of rivers?

GRAPH 2 - Dissolved Oxygen
1. Title of graph:
2. Range of values on horizontal scale:
3. Focal organisms: 
4. Optimal Dissolved Oxygen (DO) range for salmon egg incubation:
5. Optimal DO range for carp (fish): 
6. Optimal DO range for mayflies & stoneflies:
7. Oregon DO standard for salmon spawning waters: 
8. According to the graph, how does temperature affect dissolved oxygen levels?

Next, read the Salmon Watch HANDOUT ON DISSOLVED OXYGEN & TEMPERATURE, which will be glued onto page 17 of your notebook. Mark the text as we read.

Do color processing on p. 16 (or under p.17 reading if necessary)

1 Syllabus
2 Class Rules and Expectations
3 Interactive Notebook Description 
4 Notebook Components
5 Rubric
6 Science Safety Contract
7 Education Contract 
8 Clock Partners

9 Salmon Intro/Running the Gauntlet video questions
10 Salmon Life Cycle Flow Chart 
11 Salmon Life Cycle Reading: 'The Journey of Wild Pacific Salmon'
12 Life Cycle WARM UP; Macroinvertebrate processing
13 Macroinvertebrates Guided Notes
14 Macroinvertebrate Processing
15 Macroinvertebrate Practice ID
16 Graph Interpretation Questions & Processing
17 Temperature & Dissolved Oxygen Reading

Get Unit 1 Study Guide: SALMON (Click here!!!)

You have the rest of the period to complete the Study Guide using notebook. You can work quietly with elbow partner & technology is OK if used appropriately and not distracting.

We will review study guide answers next class and do a review activity, as well as have some time for notebook organization.


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