Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Unit 3 Test & Notebook Check; Notebook Scoring Rubric

Unit 3 Test & Interactive Notebook Check!

-Use first ~15 minutes of class to study for your test and finish up notebooks

-Test taking expectations:
*Try your best, take your time, & stay focused
*No talking (everyone deserves a quiet testing environment)
*No personal electronic devices while testing
*When finished, bring your test up to me and then read, do work, listen to music quietly.

Image result for good luck

We're grading tests and notebooks differently today!

TESTS: -Use a pen and trade with a trusted neighbor
-Write your name in the blank provided for the test you're grading
-Put a slash mark through any incorrect answers 
-Questions are worth 2 points each
-Please add up the total points correct out of 30 and write it on the front page (?/30)

NOTEBOOKS: Now you will grade the notebook of the person whose test you graded. Give them an honest & accurate grade (ask yourself: What Would Ferro Do?). Write their grade in their notebook as well as on their test paper (?/50) based on the rubric below. Turn in your test, keep your notebook.

Notebook Scoring Rubric
50 points
-Table of Contents up to date
-Has 'Tragedy' intro, data, questions, & guided notes
-Has warm ups and color processing on every left side
-Color processing shows high level critical thinking
40 points
-Table of Contents up to date
-Has 'Tragedy intro, data, questions, & guided notes
-Has warm ups and color processing on most left sides
-Color processing shows some critical thinking
30 points
-Table of Contents not up to date
-Missing some glue-ins
-Missing some warm ups and color processing
-Color processing is missing or does not show critical thinking
20 points
-Turned in a notebook but its very sad & unorganized :(

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