Monday, November 27, 2017

Climate Change Article Jigsaw Activity

-Tutorial Wed & Thurs this week

-New seating chart, reminders about electronics rules, and attendance & tardy incentives 

-Last class you played Kahoot and took the Vocab did it go? 
I'll enter your quiz grades this week

Turn to a new right hand page in notebook

Heading: Climate Change Article Jigsaw Activity

Learning Objective: I can participate in the jigsaw reading activity and engage in peer discussion in order to learn about the causes of global warming. 

Today you'll read an article titled, It's Getting Hot In Here : A Short History of the Three Ages of Carbon - and the Dangers Ahead by Michael Klare. Klare is a professor of Peace and World Security Studies at Hampshire College. 

Make 3 groups of about the same number of people. Each row will be a group: the row of tables closest to the window, the middle row, and the row closest to the door. Gather around the middle table in your row, taking your stool, reading packet, It's Getting Hot In Here Reading Questions worksheet, and writing utensil. 

Take turns reading aloud within your group. When finished, work together to complete the questions for your group (1, 2, or 3). 

Each group will write their answers on the board. A spokesperson(s) will be responsible for reading the answers aloud when it's their group's turn to share with the class.

Students from other groups then fill in their worksheets using the other groups' answers.

When finished, get a checkmark for your question sheet, glue into your notebook and do color processing.

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