Sunday, April 22, 2018

Energy Sources Research

Please sit in new seats

Phones away, notebooks out!

-Tutorials this week
-Building tour Wed (meet here)
-Vocab quiz Fri (not today!)
-Senior check-in this week
-Envirothon: interested?

Earth Day was Sunday, April 22nd

Reminder of Earth Day focus this week

Today: Meatless Monday
Facts about raising livestock and meat consumption VIDEO (4 mins)

Open notebooks and turn one page past your vocabulary terms

Heading: Energy Sources Research  (4/23/18)
Learning Objective: I can compare and contrast different energy sources and learn about their environmental impact.

1. Research one energy source in detail with your group
2. Answer the 7 research questions on the worksheet with your group. Everyone writes down answers.
Possible resources:
3. Write down 3 'pros' and 3 'cons' for your energy source on a whiteboard
4. Each group will present their energy source, giving their answers for numbers 1, 2, 4, and 5 from the worksheet. They will also present their whiteboard with pros and cons. 
5. Everyone fill out the 'Source Chart' 
6. Go back to seats and answer the 2 Discussion Questions
7. Turn it in before leaving

Energy Sources Research worksheet HERE
Pros/Cons T-chart for Fossil Fuels, Solar, Hydropower, & Wind HERE
Pros/Cons T-chart for Uranium, Geothermal, & Biomass HERE

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